Modulation of sucrose responsiveness in ants
Update: Jan 2021
Carbohydrate measurements
We have a new UV/Visible light spectrophotomter. Heike will help us use the phenol-sulfuric acid method to measure the total carbohydrates from ants samples from the different treatment groups. This way we will have an estimate of the extent of starvation treatment as another variable in our analyses.
Update: Dec 2020
Data analysis
Now that the ants have all been tested, it is time to see if the hunger state and the dopamine treatments have an effect on their sucrose acceptance. Sarah will perform statistical tests on the data to determine this. Lets hope for success!
Update: Nov 2020
Ant brain dissections
After discussing with Marissa, Sarah has become an expert in partially freeze-drying and dissecting out the ant brains. They will wait in the deep freezer till the MS method is ready for them.
Update Oct 2020
Experiment time
Sarah has managed to perform her experiments on her ants. So far, it is a success. We will wait till the data is analysed to see the final results.